Monday, April 14, 2008

Patrick Henry Diary Entry

today a man by the name of Patrick Henry addresses the house today with what I, as well as my fellow board members, expected to be yet another mindless rant. Within the first few minutes of his speech I was shocked as well as enraged that this man would dare speak to us as if we were children. I had never felt so ridiculed when one by one he pointed out all that he thought was wrong with our beloved country. However, with every sentence he spoke I began to notice not a cry of revolt from the audience, but a cry of change, or liberty, and of action. Patrick Henry was really motivating the people and before my eyes revealed his honest objective. He didn't want to hurt America's pride, but instead to empower it. His points were well-thought out and executed in such a way that the people cheered til it's end. I beleive that this can be the beginning of a new America, or rather, the American dream that had been so lost.

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