Wednesday, May 7, 2008

American Dream Interviews

Randal Purkaple-

What do you beleive our forefathers' intentions for America were?
"Exactly what they said, to be a government by the people and for the people... that was the intention."

Do you beleive those goals have been met?
"No. I think personal greed has bred corruption within our governmental system."

What does the "American Dream" mean to you?
"When I hear American Dream I think of freedom and equal opportunity."

Do you believe this dream has been achieved?
"Every time they pass a law, it's getting taken away. The government instead of protecting the people is growing to take control of the people. Socialism. They are creating a socilaistic society... so no."

How do you think immigrants coming to America think differently about this dream?
"Compared to where they're coming from they're probably alot more optimistic, and their views haven't been tainted because they haven't been here to see how things used to be. They have nothing to compare it to but from the countries they've come from."

What is success in America?
"Success in America... same as it is anywhere, health, hope, and happiness."

Do you beleive you have achieved this in your own life?

How so?
"Through my Christian faith. Good health because God still heals today, a relationship with God has taught me how to have a good relationship with my wife and children which has yielded happiness, and the joy of the Lord is my strength, so my hope is always in Him."

Martina Jonsson-

What do you believe the intentions for America were?
“Originally it was meant to be a melting pot of cultures, and it’s been a dream for a lot of families over the years for financial opportunities.”

Do you believe these goals have been met?
“Yes, but as the population is growing the resources are limited so Americans aren’t as accepting of new immigrants.”

What does the term “American Dream” mean to you?
“It should mean going from nothing to everything both in a social aspect and a financial aspect.”

Do you believe you have achieved this dream in your own life?
“Yes, my family is a perfect example as they came to the US in 1993, and since then we have done very well for ourselves.”

Lisa Purkaple-

What do you believe our forefathers’ intentions for America were?
“They wanted to join together…. ‘to form a more perfect union! (singing)’”

Do you believe those goals have been met?
“No. There’s still too much governmental control keeping people in poverty.”

What does the term “American Dream” mean to you?
“Being successful.”

What does success mean to you?
“Being able to accomplish and handle all things within your life.”

Have you achieved this dream in your own life?

How so?
“By being in control of my life and having a family, that’s success for me, having a family. Being in control of my job through hard work, and the like.”

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